Preserving the history of African Americans in College Park, Maryland.

Visit Old Lakeland

Newmans plan for Lakeland
Newmans plan for Lakeland

The historic African American community of Lakeland was first settled around 1890. The area was subdivided and began development by businessman Edwin Newman as a resort community for whites.  Although Newman did build and sell some homes his plans were never fully realized as much of the land he selected was not suitable for development.  His homes soon became residences for African Americans. Many other homes in the community were built by others and by 1903 Lakeland was a flourishing African American Community with two churches and a school.  The community grew and thrived until it was devastated in the 1970s by an urban renewal process. That process resulted in the destruction of homes on two thirds of the community. The areas we will call Lakeland East and Lakeland West were completely destroyed. The central part of the community also underwent change but many original structures and families remain in the community today.  Urban renewal displaced two thirds of Lakeland’s households.

This tour will help you see Lakeland as it was. It can be used independently or as an aid to your walking tour.  Please feel free to post your impressions and suggestions.

  1. East Side – Lakeland
  2. Central – Lakeland
  3. West Side – Lakeland
Lakeland RD near Rhode Island
Lakeland RD near Rhode Island
Lakeland RD at 52nd
Lakeland Road near 51st Avenue
Crossing at Lakeland RD and 54th Ave
Railroad look to lake
Railroad at lake
Railroad at Lakeland School
Railroad at Lakeland School

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